October 16, 2017Trip to MIRAIKAN – Museum of Emerging Science and InnovationTrip to MIRAIKAN – Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
October 16, 2017A research trip to NASA Ames, is a major NASA research center at Moffett Federal Airfield in California’s Silicon ValleyA research trip to NASA Ames, is a major NASA research center at Moffett Federal Airfield in California’s Silicon Valley
October 16, 2017A research to VIRAC : Ventspils International Radio Astronomy CentreA research to VIRAC : Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre
October 16, 2017A research to Griffith Observatory : Southern California’s gateway to the cosmos!A research to Griffith Observatory : Southern California’s gateway to the cosmos!
October 16, 2017(a process to build) SOLAR SYSTEM SIMULATION(a process to build) SOLAR SYSTEM SIMULATION
October 16, 2017(a process to build) an IMMORTAL SIMULATION MACHINE(a process to build) an IMMORTAL SIMULATION MACHINE
October 16, 2017A research to : The Integratron : rejuvenation, anti-gravity and time travelA research to : The Integratron : rejuvenation, anti-gravity and time travel
October 16, 2017A Research to SPACE EXPLORATION – Science MuseumA Research to SPACE EXPLORATION – Science Museum
October 16, 2017Research trip to ‘Parabola Pavilion – Satellite Earth Station’Research trip to ‘Parabola Pavilion – Satellite Earth Station’
October 16, 2017Entering : “Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation”Entering : “Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation”
October 16, 2017a solo exhibition : 2010 : Saturn Analogy of Trans Urgency : Hyperdimensional Hexagon Theorya solo exhibition : 2010 : Saturn Analogy of Trans Urgency : Hyperdimensional Hexagon Theory
October 16, 2017Trip to Huge Forest of Giant Wind TurbinesTrip to Huge Forest of Giant Wind Turbinesn
October 16, 2017a Research to Institute of Astronomy – National Central Universitya Research to Institute of Astronomy – National Central University
October 16, 2017a project called : CK07N030 2009 01 07.4298 1.220470 0.998894 136.6077 338.2806 178.3758 20150627 6.5 4.0 _ C_2007 N3a project called : CK07N030 2009 01 07.4298 1.220470 0.998894 136.6077 338.2806 178.3758 20150627 6.5 4.0 _ C_2007 N3
October 16, 2017my first LP – a signal : The Archive Files : Selected Machines by artkillart records/AKR01 : 2001 – 2009 ELECTROCORE_INDONESIAmy first LP – a signal : The Archive Files : Selected Machines by artkillart records/AKR01 : 2001 – 2009 ELECTROCORE_INDONESIA
October 16, 2017a Research to Center for Astronomy – Ibaraki Universitya Research to Center for Astronomy – Ibaraki University
October 16, 2017Research to The Observatoire de Nice – founded in 1879 by the banker Raphaël BischoffsheimResearch to The Observatoire de Nice – founded in 1879 by the banker Raphaël Bischoffsheim
October 16, 2017Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (UMR7326 – CNRS-INSU, Université d’Aix-Marseille)
October 16, 2017Large Hadron Collider CERN Exhibition / ArtScience MuseumLarge Hadron Collider CERN Exhibition / ArtScience Museum
October 16, 2017Research Project at SCASS / Sharjah Center for Astronomy & Space SciencesResearch Project at SCASS / Sharjah Center for Astronomy & Space Sciences
October 16, 2017Research for Utsuro-Bune : the story that represents evidence for a close encounter of the third kindResearch for Utsuro-Bune : the story that represents evidence for a close encounter of the third kind
October 16, 2017DIVINE MIGRATIONS – “where they are come from” – (part of ancient creature research)DIVINE MIGRATIONS – “where they are come from” – (part of ancient creature research)
October 16, 2017EVOLUTION OF THE UNKNOWN (#01) – 48 antennas + 24 machine versionEVOLUTION OF THE UNKNOWN (#01) – 48 antennas + 24 machine version
October 16, 2017Research Trip to KARI / Korea Aerospace Research InstituteResearch Trip to KARI / Korea Aerospace Research Institute
October 16, 2017a Research to CEOU / Center for Exploration of the Origin of the Universea Research to CEOU / Center for Exploration of the Origin of the Universe
October 16, 2017UTSURO-BUNE mini museum ; a research by venzha christUTSURO-BUNE mini museum ; a research by venzha christ
October 16, 2017Research to NARIT National Astronomical Research Institute of ThailandResearch to NARIT National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand
October 16, 2017Research to KEK – High Energy Accelerator Research OrganizationResearch to KEK – High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
October 16, 2017Research to ELSI – Earth Life Science InstituteResearch to ELSI – Earth Life Science Institute
October 16, 2017NASA : A Human Adventure – ISSS | Indonesia Space Science SocietyNASA : A Human Adventure – ISSS | Indonesia Space Science Society
October 17, 2017CPPM – Centre de Physique des Particules de MarseilleCPPM – Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille
December 12, 2017Listening for the Dark – a performance – NASA – A Human AdventureListening for the Dark – a performance – NASA – A Human Adventure
December 15, 2017Research to IRAM : Institut de Radioastronomie MillimétriqueResearch to IRAM : Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique
February 19, 2018Research to Pic du Midi Observatory (Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées; OMP)Research to Pic du Midi Observatory (Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées; OMP)
February 14, 2019Research to Station de Radio Astronomie de NançayResearch to Station de Radio Astronomie de Nançay